Los Angeles / Long Beach Harbor Employers Association

« Back | Summary of Employers' Coordinated October 24, 2011, Proposal for New Collective Bargaining Agreements with the OCU

Date: Fri, Dec 2nd, 2011


October 24, 2011

Note:  This coordinated proposal is subject to amendment, modification, or withdrawal at any time during bargaining, may only be accepted for each Company in its entirety, and may not be accepted in part.  No tentative agreement between the parties as to this proposal, or any part of it, shall constitute a final and binding agreement until the parties have executed a final, signed contract.

Each of the employers in the current bargaining offers the following coordinated complete proposal for a new collective bargaining agreement:

1. All of the tentatively agreed upon main contract provisions, and "non-core" side letters and job descriptions (per the attached status sheets) between each Employer and the Union.

2. Maintain Employers' last proposals on: Articles 3 secs. 1, 2, and 5 (attached); 11 sec. 1 (effective date to be date of contract execution); 13 secs. 4(a) and 5(a) (attached); 14 secs. 3 and 4 (attached); 19 sec. 1 (ZIM); 35 (attached); 36 sec. 5 (attached); and Exhibit "B" (headcount) and all open "non-core" side letters and job descriptions (per the attached status sheets).

3. Modified Employer proposal on Article 20, sec. 6 (see attached).

4. New Employer proposal on Article 31 (Staffing) to replace preambles to Exhibits "B" and "C" (see attached).

5. Modified Employer proposal on Article 32 (see attached).

6. Modified Employer proposal on Article 37 (see attached).

7. Modified Employer proposal on Article 38: Contract expiration date of July 1, 2014.

8. Reject and/or eliminate any provisions in main contract, side letters, MOUs, job descriptions, and Union proposals that are inconsistent with any of the proposals above.

9. If the Union agrees to Employers' proposal to join the ILWU-PMA Pension and Health Plans, (Article 15 and 16 proposals attached), then Employers offer:

          a.       Wage increase of:






Hourly Increase*




           b.       For all companies except Yang Ming (DC Plan), pension increase to:





Pension MMB*




 * Equals a 3.7% wage increase and 20% pension increase over contract term.


If the Union does not agree
to Employers' proposal to join the ILWU-PMA Pension and Health Plans, then Employers propose non-ILWU-PMA Articles 15 and 16 (attached) and propose no increase in current wages ($40.00+ per hour) and pension monthly benefits ($150 per year of credited service)* for contract term.

* Based on the OCU Trust experts' projections, maintenance of current benefits under the OCU Pension and Health & Welfare Plans will result in an effective pay increase of over $4.00 per hour, even if prefunding of retiree medical insurance is discontinued.  To continue prefunding retiree medical insurance, the OCU Trust actuary has recommended increases in hourly contributions that would effectively result in an additional immediate pay increase of over $8.00 per hour, for a total increase of over $12.00 per hour.

Link: http://www.harboremployers.com/web/news/press/details/?Summary-of-Employers-Coordinated-October-24-2011-Proposal-for-New-Collective-Bargaining-Agreements-with-the-OCU-43